Friday, April 27, 2018

Insomniatic by Valerie Fox - A review by Toni

The Review: It is a tiny little book. This is a tiny little review for a tiny collection of powerful poetry.   I can't pretend to get it all, but somewhere in my head bits of my brain sucked in the words and there was  some sort of "knowing and getting it." 

The words expanded in my brain and my brain sought to find the connections.  There were connections made and thoughts were provoked.  There was something deep and mildly disturbing that came from familiarity and something annoying from not understanding.  

Seahorses, Ants, and Disney....

It pricked my brain in interesting ways.

Insomniatic is the newest poetry chapbook from Valerie Fox, author of The Roschach Factory and The Glass Book. These poems haunt and question, dream and wander, asking the reader to question what is a dream state and what does it mean to be awake."Insomniatic" (poems) asks the question: Who are we when we dream?

About the Poet:
Valerie Fox’s books of poetry include The Rorschach Factory (2006, Straw Gate Books) and The Glass Book (2010, Texture Press). She co-wrote Poems for the Writing: Prompts for Poets with Lynn Levin. Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon (2011, Texture Press) is a collaborative book with Arlene Ang. "Scarecrow Lists of Failures and Grocery Items" (a collaboration with Ang) may be found here, at Thrush.
Her work has appeared in many journals, including Thrush, Painted Bride Quarterly, Hanging Loose, Apiary, West Branch, Sentence, and Qarrtsiluni. Originally from central Pennsylvania, she has traveled and lived throughout the world, and has taught writing and literature at numerous universities including Sophia University (in Tokyo) and currently at Drexel University (in Philadelphia).
GoodReads link:
Amazon Link:


April 27: The Soapy Violinist (Review)
April 30: Diary of an Eccentric (Guest Post)
May 4: Mia Sutton (Review)
May 7: Wall-to-Wall Books (Review)
May 15: Readaholic Zone (Review)
May 17: Impressions in Ink (Review)
May 24: True Book Addict (Review)
May 26: Mrs. Mommy Booknerd’s Book Reviews (Review) 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Toni, for your honest review. I'm glad that you found something to think about.


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