Then it is just a short trek to the Dipsea Trail Head to Steep Ravine and you loop around and take the Matt Davis trail back. If you plan to hike it this way, plan for over three and a half miles of incline and then over four miles down...and I mean down down down, back to sea level and a lot of steps. You will most likely feel this in your knees and hips as the steps are tall steps, perhaps a foot and a half high or more.
This place is green exquisite wonder. I can't say it is one of those trails that is untouched or uncrafted by humans, as there is extensive stone and wooden steps, bridges and obviously under the care of of stellar rangers. But I can say that the nature is so truly strong and resilient that it seems to over power the man made changes and the Redwood trees, ferns, stone, mountains, and all the wildflowers, berries, ivy etc can not be tamed and the complete balance of the trail is definitely over powered by thriving nature not humans.
I remain forever indebted the those humans (rangers, tax payers, and yes those stinking bureaucrats) that take care of the planet even though some believe it is encroaching upon our rights and that laws are rotten. Humans continually show their impact and careless way of maintaining the planet by complete exploitation, litter, and pillage. (Enough said). Anyway there is no fee to park or enter this beautiful place. (And if you drive a little Fiat, it cost about 8 bucks in gas...oh yeah)
I did not encounter one piece of litter, cigarette butt etc...thank you trail users!!!!!
It is a wonder, the cycle of life and death, rebirth and growth, the light and dark, and all the elements of the seasons all enclosed and cozy on the side of a coastal mountain trail. One of many trails in this region. This trail seems like a play ground, if time were no issue I would suggest going in and spending the whole day inside. Let yourself be in wonder, I was so completely overtaken, I expected to see fairies, trolls and all things enchanted.
Although at times I was moving very quickly due to time and travel, the point of the trip was to restore and photo hike. It was all the things I wanted and more. It was breath taking, and I say that it took my breath in many ways because the few thousand feet of elevation gain did leave me heavy on the breathing side on the way up and the way down.
When you get almost to the top there is a ranger station, bathrooms, and a place to eat. On this day the picnic tables were empty and there was only one other set of humans sighted.
Here are some pictures.
When you climb up with the trees and you are level with the branches you can have a different conversation with the trees. You get to look them in the eye so to speak, you get to see them as more than just tall.
This picture... seeing the light...even foggy light.... Light is Light... it represents pretty much everything.
Beautiful and life giving in a different form than usually admired. Imagine that...wise and wonderful trees.
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