Friday, May 4, 2018

That girl....

That girl... the one that has dinner at five ... but at 10 pm wants a "snack"... and she says... "oh 0% Greek yogurt with no sugar and some berries will be perfect ." (what???). Who is she??? Not me ever.

Is she a  MYTH... or  some health nut? .. what?  no Cheetos?  Cheese-its or Doritos?  Because even movie butter microwave  popcorn is the fatty salty crunch of the night, right? But no fat? No Sugar?   #dreamkiller #bitch

I swear ... yes... on this night of May 4, 2018  that woman was me.   I swear.

But seriously,  I truly craved it more than any salty, fatty, sugary snack.  (My only defense  or reasoning is that I was watching a live fashion show and wanting to "own" a pencil skirt..)

So I made it.
I tasted it..

The bitterish greek yogurt... and I think " ...I will add a packet of blue sugar"... Blue SUGAR Pack???? ( I usually deplore and preach mean things about it from my soap box and furthermore I did not EVEN  bring this little packet into my own household).
That was a  decent addition... but I needed CORRUPTION.

Oh so yeah I added the  "Granola...."

Aka...granola = oatmeal cookies gone flat.

This is a true story... that turned out beautiful #godblessthecookies

*(1, 2 and 3 (Nikon).. photo 4 is iPhone).

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