Monday, June 5, 2017

Tennessee Cove - Total Beach Craving

Total Beach Craving
I had a serious beach craving come upon me. It started with those darn blue nails.  I bought the blue nail polish with a view that it would be my reminder to look at my hands and the blue nail polish and meditate on the ocean. In my mind, I thought that if I did not at least see the ocean I could go to my minds eye and think and hear the ocean and be refreshed.  It was a good idea, but that then even lead to a further obsession... Like "I must go now.."   I only had the polish on for 48 hours and BAM!

I also needed strengthening miles if I intend at all to be able to participate in a half marathon in four months.  Somehow that situation is looking not so great.  I will see what the time limit is for the race and make some decisions. In the mean time, I wont be caught off guard by not staying strong with challenging 5 mile hikes weekly and bike rides.  So far a few of these training miles have put in at the beach...I mean if you are putting in the miles...

Anyway I found myself on the way to Tennessee Cove in Marin County, CA.  It was a lovely hike and a splendid cove.  Not a lot of people like to hike round trip four miles to  see a bit of the ocean.   But it was what was calling to me and worth every step.   I got there at 5 pm on a Saturday and it was more than I had hoped There was no fog  and the sun was shining bright.  Here are the pictures. 

It starts like this.."I know there is ocean over there..."

Just keep climbing and descending....
In a few short miles..
It just gave and gave back to me....

I loved the noisy water and the ships horn....

 It was hard to say goodbye....

 Those blue nails...they started it all....
Best place to have a beer.

And some miles for my training log..... #1/2marathontraining2017

Two hours to get there..two hours on the trail ...and two hours drive....$10 in gas.... a bag of was worth it.  Long after leaving I can smell it, feel the sand under my shoes, and be healed, happy and fulfilled from the wonderful glory of our earth.  Our earth it sits there and exists so that we can exist.  Let us never forget.

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